Whenever there is a public holiday especially when it falls on Friday or Monday, everybody will go for a vacation...yes of course , this is the time to spend with your loves one... as a working mother, I always wish to go for a vacation at interesting places.... however I'm also a working daughter who rarely spend time with my parents... so whenever there is a long break, we normally end up "balik kampung". So here is another story of "balik kampung".
LPT ke Gua Musang... LPT ke Gua Musang....?? |
Lately we used to travel a lot via LPT, for it is highway vs trunk road... but this time we used Gua Musang route....sajer tukar angin...
We stopped at Bentong for our breakfast after spotting people queue at this stall.
stall yang ade periuk belanga tu... |
Really, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang and pulut manis kelapa we ate had a "wow factor"..... and I asked stupid question to Mr H like this.... " Can we come here just for breakfast?"... hehehe of course kena jeling habis....
It would taste heavenly if only we could munch the delicious meal slow and peaceful, Daneen somehow had cried out loud throughout the breakfast just because she wanted to go here...
buka 24 jam.... |
which located just opposite the stall....everybody at the stall was curious .... kena dera ke budak ni.?.... hehehe.
Since its been long since we last used Gua Musang route, we were not aware of few new road which were under construction, and some nice sightseeing like this...
Musim luruh di Padang Tunku... |
and a new R & R at Gua Musang....
Ample... and nice.... |
It was a smooth journey accept for certain part of the road which was damaged by the flood and not repaired yet... It took us 7 long hours ... a saving of 1.5 hours and few kilometres (vs LPT).
tengok ape tuuu? |
In the car, the kids complained that they were tired but when reached at Tok Ki's place... they did not rest but......to be continue....