Ayra got number 2 in her KAFA mid exam.... while for sek keb, the band is three... I am not used to this new system... bila I tanya the class teacher, what is the highest band, he said 6, but until now they just taught /reached the 3rd band so all the kids dapat band 3 lah, nanti bila dah hujung tahun baru dapat band 6.... kaedahnya ye....tapi rasa macam tak best pulak... I just dont know how to assess... may be sebab tak biasa lagi.
So I asked Ayra what present she wanted for her achievement? she at first said... " I don't know..." and then suddenly decided that she wanted to sleep with me forever on my bed.... oh so sweet... but I cannot grant that, nanti Mr H nak letak kat mana? hahaha...
I had promised Dhia to buy her a pet for quite some time... but not a furry one.... bukan I tak tahan bulunya... tapi benda berbulu ni kalau berak.... masyaAllah.... I bet the owner will take care of that... mesti mak dia juga yang kena uruskan ... tak sanggup wehhh....so she requested a turtle.... therefore; we went to a pet shop to buy one... unfortunately
(fortunately) turtle dah habis stock at that time... so tak leh beli.
However I managed to buy Ayra this as her present ....
ike sepila.... |
She named her Blunie for the colour is blue... tang bagi makan boleh harap, tapi tang cuci... orang lain kena buatlahhh....
pish...oh pish... |
Kalo hero ni yang nak tolong.... rasanya baik tak yah.... Blunie pun kalau dengar pish... pish.... macam tak cukup tangki larinya.... haiii kesian... hikhik