kawan-kawan apa khabar?
ku tanya apa khabaaar...
hihi... harap semua ok...
kawan-kawan apa khabar?
ku tanya apa khabaaar...
hihi... harap semua ok...
this is Aiz's new room
Ini gambar bilik kecik yang hari tu sudah dikemas... disepah-sepah balik oleh budak kecik ni... and one day he requested this room to be his...
Yooo... your mum is so malas ...and being a typical accountant... she does not want to spend either...huhu...but what to do... she just love you so much that she can't decline.
maka bermulalah projek deko-deko...
maka bermulalah projek deko-deko...
the wall was full with Aiz's drawings ...but to paint the whole room... err..I was so malas remember.... but its a kind of weird to paint only part of it.. it won't be nice.
with a budget of RM100, we bought cheap stuff at Mr DIY...they have cheap wall paper selling at RM3.30 per roll... but sadly tinggal wall paper yang tak comel... so that's when we got the idea to use wall paper to build a giant minescraft mural on the wall ...only part yang diconteng ...I am pendek to put the whole wall with them.. and gayat to use the tangga...and malas nak suruh Mr H....since I malas nak tunggu dia perfecting things... I wanted to do this fast!
Fast lah sangat...makan minggu jugalah... hehehe
ini Aiz inspecting the "in progress job" without his pant on... Abang Rizq caught him and sent the photo to me at the office.
Itu pun dapat pertolongan from team mates Dhia and Ayra to do this... kalau sorang...makan bulan agaknya...hihihi...that was one of our school holiday project...see rambut Aiz was still long at that time.

That's was the room before... we got one single bed in there... now finally decided to get rid of it. We replaced the single bed with old tilam from katil kak Dhia and Abg Rizq.
Now the room is with double bed.
We keep the single bed base and use it as a head board for the new bed.
We keep the single bed base and use it as a head board for the new bed.
I like the bakul so was a must buy!...that was the most expensive item we bought for the project... priced at RM25.90. The side rack is actually the drawer from the desk... sangkut tang tu... boleh buat display toys.
The mural mostly only gambar trees... sebab... itu aje yang ku reti...hihi...and eh adalah pickaxe satu...and few easy pictures to do.
Abang Rizq helped to put one giant tree on top of the shelf... that was actually to cover the wet wall stain.
We also managed to buy the clock and the square blue containers for the shelf. Other than that... pakai jer barang sedia ada.
The books bought from the Big Bad Wolf can be a nice deco...
Hope you like the room Aiz...and please...please..
please keep it tidy.
happy weekend guys! ...ohh just cant wait for CNY long weekend break... taataa for now.