We went back like most of other people on Saturday . We planned to start the journey by 4am when the children were most probably will continue to sleep and mum will have a peaceful trip. Iyelah tu... with nothing being packed yet.... I have tried to pack after back from work, but too tired so it was done halfway... and decided to continue after taking a nap. Naplah konon..... alkisah pukul 5.30 pagi baru bangun balik.....Dah tu terkocoh-kocoh sambung packing and siapkan anak, pukul 7.30 baru bertolak...hantar bibik bercuti rumah agent and then singgah breakfast kat sini. Gerai ni kat Taman Melati, tajuk gerai ni Ayam kampung,Nasi lemak kukus makan dengan ayam goreng berempah. Boleh tahan sedapnya.

Lepas dah kenyang, we continued the journey....tapi baru lepas bayar first tol at Gombak , can you imagine the trafic jem .... bersusun susun kereta. Sudahnya we spent around 11 hours to reach Bachok , my hubby's place.
So tak kan budak kecik ni nak tidur 11 jam di siang hari. After sometimes he woke up.... he started to talk to himself at first..... then started to sing alone... and finally screaming...... huhuhu nasib baik masa tu dah nak sampai.
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