Opps Ayra showed us her birthday date?
was she really?
she wanted to go to Kidzania... so we planned to take her on her birthday... sambil-sambil mama mengelat buat party..hehehe.
Yes you can arrange a party and buy birthday package at KidZania... but it is not cheap, so we did not buy one... come on... bulan 12 banyak wang mau keluar weii... tambah this year semua kids in the house sudah sekolah kann...
So kita-kita je lah celebrate birthday Ayra...
Ayra, being a good obedient sweet tempered girl... will always be grateful to us, just by taking her there.
Abang Rizq tak nak ikut... dia rasa KidZania hanya untuk budak-budak... well, he is not budak-budak ..he is a handsome and charming young man kann... mama somehow cepat-cepat agreed to it...fuhhh jimat pitih. He think he is a young man... but Kidzania categorized him still as a kid... and the fee for kids is the highest.
To be more jimat... we bought ticket via Groupon... masa tu ada promo untuk package 1 adult with 2 kids for RM200++. But ... if via Groupon, syaratnya you can only go for second session i.e the 4-9pm. We were there just before the counter was about to close for 1st session at 2pm. We needed to confirm our tickets... ala-ala flight check in gitu... counter pun depa buat macam AirAsia ticket counter...confuse jap mak..was I at the right place...Kidzania ka AirAsia nih?
After that we went to the next door mall, the Curve to have lunch. We were a bit rushing as the ticket lady informed us to que and come as early as 3pm for the 4pm session... really?
So when we saw Secret Recipe.. we just decided to go in... lagi pun boleh beli kek terus... that's was her chosen flavor... strawberry marshmallow ke apa...
But of course ada orang lain yang lebih sudu dari kuah ...hehehe. Ice cream pun tak nak share... tactic jilat terus dari gelas...bijak..bijak...
betul lah ramai orang... tengoklah que tu...berpusing-pusing.
Finally dapat wrist band ... ala-ala jam ultraman gitew...eh ultraman pakai jam ke?...hihi.
we were asked to proceed to the bank to cash the cheque... first thing first mestilah kena withdraw duit kann... (that's what papa did before we came here...hehehe). Kalo tak silap seorang dapat 50 hinggit duit kidzania.
picture from google. |
They will earn more if they work...
like being a dentist...
Dapat duit dengar abang Dr bebel dan tunjuk cara berus gigi.
but ada tempat if you want to go in...you have to pay like this one.
Before you go in...you have to que for your session. Aiz really wanted to be Fireman Sam..sangguplah que sampai 20 over minutes.
Ohh yess!!!
Excuse lah gambar memang tak nice, fail mamarazzi..sebab parents cuma boleh ambil gambar dari luar je.
Seronoklah dapat naik fire engine ni.
Sesi berangan jadi Wan Zaleha Radzi
Si Daneen jadi wartawan..terkedek-kedek dia cuba membaca... she still cakap pelat ..but has improved a lot. We hantar dia private tuition to ensure she can read before masuk sekolah. So far she can read simple words. Dia ni pun sangat suka tengok youtube... sometimes she asked the meaning of words untuk dia fahamkan cerita tu ... macam hari tu dia tanya satu perkataan... saya ingat dia sebut waterfall... kita pun bagitaulah... waterfall tu air terjun...but she tak terima... terus dia on cerita youtube tu..dan suruh saya pula dengar elok-elok... hahaha... actually dia tanya the meaning of wonderful bukan waterfall... ini kes pelat punya pasal.
cameraman ni pulak tak boleh dok diam..habis button dia tekan... itu yg kejap-kejap the crew datang adjust volume etc-etc..hihi
At the end of the day... banyak juga duit kidzos yang derang dapat... tapi barang-barang kat souvenir shop yang boleh shopping pakai duit kidzos pun tak murah. They have two shops and the cheapest item you can buy starts at 70 kidzos... so derang sempatlah rembat those 2 items. Parents/adults are not allowed to shop there, budak-budak manalah reti nak budget nak beli apa to finish off their kidzos...tambah pula kalo yang tukang pilih barang tu si Aiz kann... So the balance of the kidzos you can bank in balik in the bank for your next visit...or bawa balik rumah... buat main shopping-shoppinglaa..
The kids enjoyed themselves ...mak pak yang flat...me gilir- gilirlah dengan Mr H betulkan urat kat sini.
As a present...birthday girl boleh beli gambar cameraman pro dgn harga RM35 sekeping..but she was so sweet to choose a photo with her sister in it...so they both ada gambar.
Happy 9th birthday sweet girl...stay sweet forever...we love you so much!