I was laying on the bed, ready to sleep, we had a party in the afternoon for Dhia's Birthday so it was quite tiring. Somehow I was disturbed by some chaotic. Mr H was looking for ipad and when he finally found it, he complained of the poor internet reception. I was a bit annoyed and thought to myself even if Mr H had forgotten that it was my birthday as the clock about to click 12, at least he could let me have a peaceful night.
Then suddenly I heard a birthday song from the Beatles, so that was the noise all about, he wanted to wish me birthday with a style.... I was really touched.
And he gave me the presents which I think a bit spooky.... no no no I love the necklace and the perfume... it just few days ago when looking at mirror... terdetik macam kosong je leher ni... and now ni i tengah gigih mengkhatam blog bvlgari girl... alih- alih dapat perfume and body lotion bvlgari.... hemmm macamana Mr H boleh tahu... itu yang spooky tu... maksudnya Mr H tu yang spooky... bela jin ke apa... tau je apa yang I mengidam... hehehe
So the next day he took us to arabian restaurant at Danau Kota...
Macam melayu sikit nama restoran arab ni kan..... |
Last year we had a romantic dinner for my birthday at an Italian restaurant ... but masa makan tu macam tak romantik sebab I asyik teringat anak kat rumah... I makan sedap-sedap... entah apa yang dia orang makan kat rumah.... sungguh tak selesa... haai apalah I ni, kesian Mr H kan.... so sebab tu this year dia angkut semua sekali... hehehe... but he, in prior bought the lunch set through Groupon which was berbaloi-baloi...this restaurant is new so they are in their introduction promotion mode kot.
Let see what we had that day... the groupon was bought for RM55 which they claimed worth a value of RM200++
banyaknye starter..... |
The one that looked like lingkaran tu was actually cheese dip called humus... very delicious. They gave two type of dips, another one had nutty taste... tapi yang cheese tu lagi sedap.
Aizzz....noo! |
Aiz was very moody that day, he wanted to eat on his own but of course not allowed..... Mr H layan dia je hari tu.... I pulak makan buat tak tahu je apa yang berlaku.... tak pe lah birthday lady kan....
lamb mandy... |
For main course, they gave us 2 plates of chicken mandy and 2 plates of lamb mandy.... kami bertujuh pun tak dapat nak habiskan ... so tapau satu plate untuk bibik....
Can't remember pulak namanya.... |
Ini pulak dessert, rasa dia macam tepung suji yang mak-mak kita buat dulu... budak-budak sekarang mana tahu.... dia orang makan nestum je... hihihi
Lepas habis makan, hantar the kids home.... after that Mr H took me alone to eat this....
Udang merah |
Its not expensive italian restaurant... but anywhere with him.... alone.. is romantic.... and ... peaceful... hahaha...
Thank you darling.... love you forever.