
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Suruh Vs Ajak

When Akeef was about 10 years old, I started to train him to perform 5 daily prayers. Yes it was not easy, somehow whenever I asked ' Akeef, have you prayed?' . His answer normally no and I then asked him to pray and he said ok. I used to double checked whether he really performed it or not, he usually did as per his say.

So Dhia now is 10 years old and I started to do the same... but people say different child, different behaviour... when I asked her to pray.... she did not say yes or no.... but she was silent and it was actually means NO...arrgh!

It has being for quite some time that she behaving like that and I was so frustrated.... I know it is a challenge not only to the child but also to the parents....syaitan goda dua-dua sekali... anak malas sembahyang.... mak pun malas nak suruh....

Parents: Sometimes we need to change strategy

I have been thinking of how to make this easier...... what if I request her to join me for the prayer instead.... I am going to pray anyway... so why not pray together... and guess what... it is a bit easier as she is willing to join me praying.
3 dara pingitan....
She also asked her sisters to join us, which actually another challenge for me to wait for them to prepare themselves for the prayer.... sometimes punye lama.... nak ambil wudhu', pakai telekung, hampar sejadah... sampai mama nyaris nak terkentut... hihihi...

ada orang lain yang berminat jugalah...
However I could only do this during weekend.... but really hope she get the idea that it is not hard to pray 5 times a day... betul-betul terasa beratnya nak mendidik anak,  kerana kena didik diri sendiri dulu...supaya tidak mengambil jalan mudah untuk tidak mendidik...

Parent: Parenting is not easy... it takes lots of  patience...

Cuba teka siapa saya?

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